Monday, December 28, 2009

Does talcum powder cause cervical cancer?

how about talc designed for intimate areas live vagisilDoes talcum powder cause cervical cancer?
The risk of developing cervical cancer has been associated with certain factors, including previous infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), early sexual contact, multiple sexual partners, cigarette smoking, and taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills). Talcum powder is not a know cause of cervical cancer. There have been some studies that suggest a correlation with ovarian cancer, but that hasn't been proven.

They are all asbestos-free.

It could cause a yeast infection, though.Does talcum powder cause cervical cancer?
A long time ago i saw an article that said talc can travel up to places inside and cause problem but i never heard anything since. This was a long time ago.
So they say but i have always used baby powder and am still healthy and [wise].:)
A book can be written saying X product is very bad for you and should never be used . And another book can be written saying the same X product is the best and should always be used.

This just one important thing I learned in University course in Logic.

Personally I don't see how talcum powder could hurt you, unless different talcums have different ingredients in them. Get on the Internet and thoroughly investigate this issue.
i have no idea. Go to a medical wesite. Search Google
But intimate areas that can smell don't include a vagina, so it shouldn't reach the cervix - unless you use a puffer pack...
no it does not cause cancer.
Cervical cancers are due to sexually transmitted viral infections with HPV, Human Papilloma Virus.
. Talc is closely related to the potent carcinogen asbestos. Talc particles have been shown to cause tumors in the ovaries and lungs of cancer victims. For the last 30 years, scientists have closely scrutinized talc particles and found dangerous similarities to asbestos. Responding to this evidence in 1973, the FDA drafted a resolution that would limit the amount of asbestos-like fibers in cosmetic grade talc. However, no ruling has ever been made and today, cosmetic grade talc remains non-regulated by the federal government. This inaction ignores a 1993 National Toxicology Program report which found that cosmetic grade talc, without any asbestos-like fibers, caused tumors in animal subjects.1 Clearly with or without asbestos-like fibers, cosmetic grade talcum powder is a carcinogen.

. Talc is toxic. Talc particles cause tumors in human ovaries and lungs. Numerous studies have shown a strong link between frequent use of talc in the female genital area and ovarian cancer. Talc particles are able to move through the reproductive system and become imbedded in the lining of the ovary. Researchers have found talc particles in ovarian tumors and have found that women with ovarian cancer have used talcum powder in their genital area more frequently than healthy women.2

Talc poses a health risk when exposed to the lungs. Talc miners have shown higher rates of lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses from exposure to industrial grade talc, which contains dangerous silica and asbestos. The common household hazard posed by talc is inhalation of baby powder by infants. Since the early 1980s, records show that several thousand infants each year have died or become seriously ill following accidental inhalation of baby powder.3
how on earth do you get it all the way up there?
That is an old wives tale
Any contact regularly with artificial things esp. cosmetics will irritate the body as a foreign substance . And can in theory initiate a cancer process.

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